Monday, February 7, 2011

sometimes you just gotta jump.

There are oppurtunities that present themselves in life, and sometimes they don't come at the precise time that you would prefer them to come. But they still come. And when they do, if it's a good oppurtunity, why waste it and rob yourself of what could be amazing? It may not make sense at the time, but sometimes you just gotta jump and hope you land on two feet. Sometimes you do, and sometimes you don't. And if you fall, then you get back up again, and at the very least you won't go through life wondering what it would have been like to jump. Decisions are risks. Relationships are risks. It's putting your heart out there and submitting it to what could be. Is it worth the risk? Is it worth jumping even though you can't see the bottom? I've found that even though you may not know the outcome of a situation, if you waste an opputunity or give up easily, you will go through life wondering what could have been.

Sometimes you just gotta jump...

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